'': 'Menlo for Powerline'Īssuming the settings were empty before, it should now look like this. On the right panel paste this: '圎xec': 'iTerm.app', Inside of vscode settings, you will see two panels. Use Visual Studio for Mac's native debugging support for debugging C and other managed languages code and use LLDB when you need to debug C, C++ or Objective C codethat you might be linking with your Xamarin.iOS project. Search until you find the live code, NOT the commented out code :)Įdit the code it so it looks like ZSH_THEME='agnoster' Xamarin.iOS applications can be debugged with the built-in debugger in Visual Studio for Mac or Visual Studio. When we touch the core, it goes open source, and some of the extensions like Android and iOS development are closed source.' Another reader asked about a roadmap for Xamarin Studio. (Note: without this, vscode integrated terminal will not render themes correctly) Visual Studio for Mac is built as a series of components on top of the open source MonoDevelop. Install a powerline font (I am using Menlo which is a nice looking and very popular font).
For those that want to change the default integrated terminal NOT just the external, and add custom themes, show which git branch you are on, and whether or not files need to be staged or committed for example.